My desires became a light and lifted me to the clouds, is my new piece written for violin and viola. Unlike other projects where I began with a concept, and then worked on music to match it, this project started with musical ideas, which quickly suggested their own meaning. Like a new kind of air (for solo piano) this project is also for extremely limited instrumentation with out any lyrics. This is due partly to practical constraints (its cheaper to preform) but also I took it on as a stretching compositional challenge. In both works I had to abandon a lot of my default compositional procedures, and in a way, reinvent my musical voice.

The two ideas that permeated my thinking while writing the piece were, all desires at their core are something good and holy, but often how we try to fulfill those desires (i.e. in the wrong way) is what causes destruction, and secondly, almost all (maybe all) of our desires at there root are relational. Even things that don’t look like relational desires, like making a lot of money, or releasing art, or taking over another country, is at their core, a desire for respect, or love, or praise, or honor, from other humans, thus relational.

A little bit about the structure of the piece. It is in three sections, part one is solo violin, part two is solo viola, and part three is violin and viola together. I thought of the first two sections as the expression of desire, and the striving and searching for its fulfillment. In both of the first two parts there is a section with a slow unadorned melody. You could call these sections the theme of desire. Both the violin and violas themes are interrelated to each other, almost like saying the same idea with different words. The thematic ideas from these two melodies come back again and again, creating a sense of unity across the piece. In the third part, both violin and viola are playing, but not simultaneously, as if they were dancing around each other. This builds to a climax where, for the first time, both instruments are playing together. This leads to a highly rhythmic section (I felt very happy and compositionally at home making this section) which is imbued with a sense of celebration. The piece concludes with a long section that continues to build and build till the end. Emotionally the sense of longing returns in this end section as the “characters” realize the ultimate fulfillment of their longing and desires can only be fulfilled in the spiritual world.
